Who am I?
Born in Johnson County Missourri
Resident of Milford, NH

Laurie became a Certified Personal Trainer and Health Coach back in 2010 through ISSA.
Her certifications also include BOSU, Flexibility for Performance, EZCOACH Fitness Prescription, Exercise Rx for Psychological Health, Nutrition for Menopause & Beyond, CPR and First Aid.
Laurie owns her own Social Media Design company and helps several small businesses create content for their social media platforms.
Having overcome her own health crisis back in 2008, she is now a strong advocate for Health and Nutrition.
Her professional interests focus on weight loss, core strengthening, postural correction, stretching, nutrition, and a positive mind and body connection.
Laurie was recognized on bodybuilding.com’s website and won a contest for “Fit Over Forty” Transformations.
She is a mother of three grown boys, is happily married and resides in Milford NH with her husband, three dogs and cat. (4 dogs if you include her son's dog who resides with them).
Her hobbies include playing various online games with her three boys and husband.
Photography has always been a passion and she dabbles in it for fun. Her newest venture is the creation of The Dalai Nala™.
Her very good friend, Steve Gamlin, The Motivational Fire Wood Guy™, has been encouraging Laurie to pursue this venture for months! Laurie FINALLY listened.
By concurring her fear of trying this new adventure, she decided to “go for it” and thus The Dalai Nala™ was born and it has been a fantastic ride!
Moral of the story - Never be afraid to try new things!
Laurie has a charming and fun way of capturing this “Dalai Nala” vision and it's through her rescue dog, Nala; (AKA: The Dalai Nala™).
Laurie has been learning a dog’s perspective can put a new twist on things – in a good way!
Dogs live life in the moment and are always glad to see you no matter how bad your day has been or how terrible you feel or how messy your hair is. If you are green, blue, purple, a boy, a girl, rich, poor, religious, non-religious, political...
It just doesn’t matter. They will love you unconditionally just because you are you.
We all could learn a lot if we just took some life lessons from our pets.
These lessons are now intertwined and paired up with Laurie's health coaching skills and they have successfully published two books!
Laurie’s goal with these books are to inspire, encourage, guide people into a positive and healthy direction. If we can brighten someone’s darkness with the light and wisdom of The Dalai Nala™, if we can help just one person out of the darkness- this journey of ours will all be well worth it.
Laurie is a huge advocate for SCARPR and Sato Heart Rescue. She is currently managing the social media for Sato Heart Rescue - feel to like our page! - SATO HEART RESCUE
Please feel free to connect with Laurie through Facebook, Twitter, or feel free to email at thedalainala@gmail.com

Don't shop! Adopt!

A friend snapped this photo for us <3

Be sure to check out The Dalai Nala Recipes on our Blog!

Don't shop! Adopt!
Check out some of my photography

Any donations collected we will donate 75% of them to Sato Heart Rescue. The other portion of your donation will help us keep this site alive so we can continue our work in promoting adoptable animals!
Thank you so much for your support! We truly appreciate it!